iTikotiko:9 / F, Vale 20, Arex Vakadidike kei na Tekinolaji Industrial Park, 19 Gaunisala ni Tokalau kei Huifeng, Zhongkai High-tech Zone, Siti o Huizhou, Yasana o Guangdong
Vakatauvatataka na iVakarau ni Veitosoyaki ni Ulunivanua ni iYau 110VDL 220 NI VEItosoyaki ni kaukauwa
Raica eso tale na iyaloyalo
Embedded DC Power System is widely deployed in the Telecom/Industrial environment today, e dua na itabatamata vou na "Drokadroka & iVakarau ni Maroroi iGu"
Vakatauvatataka na iVakarau ni Veitosoyaki ni Ulunivanua ni iYau 110VDL 220 NI VEItosoyaki ni kaukauwa
RCT-2000 modular rectifier system is widely deployed in the telecom/industrial field. It provide telecom power technology to modulate voltage for DC load and maintain back-up batteries.It treble hot swap rectifier modules build a N+1 redundancy, have high fault tolerant reliablity for important load. To adaptable in different external power system, the powerful monitor have 45 alarm option, support RS485/ SNMP remote operation.
Wide operating range of AC input voltage: 90~290Vac;
ucurrent/voltage switching tech with high efficiency ≥92%;
uPerfect battery management, battery temperature;
uMultiple communication ports, easy for networking and remote
ModbusRS485/TCP/IP/YDN23 (YD/T 1363) protocol;
uTemperature compensation, LVLD and LVBD protection;
uAutomatic battery test function, cycle test, quick test;
uSupports power system &module sleep, efficiency mixing, energy saving;
uSupport real-time detection of the operating status of the power system;